This analyzer evaluates a performance of a house, which is one of the greatest investments you can ever make. Visualizing a home environment not only promotes energy conservation but also provide a good opportunity to reconsider our health.
The device can convert the construction results into numerical value. It is useful as a presentation tool for constructors to appeal their work to client.
We tried to design that it does not give a sense of incongruity when installed in a brand new home. Even if there is little sense of intimidation using curved surfaces, we aimed to give a highly reliable impression by designing a flat surface.

Blend with the landscape using curved surfaces

Renderings of design proposal phase

Structure to pass through humidity while protecting from rain
The device is a hygrothermograph and humidity must permeate through it. However, setting it near the window may cause it to break down due to unexpected rain. We managed to design the angle so that rain does not pass through the device.
size : W72×D42×H82
Techno-labo HP: